Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's been a while.

I haven't updated lately, mainly because we have been so busy. Since last blog update we have had another ultrasound and the heartbeat was right around 160 which was great. We are so excited, just wishing all the nausea would go away.
Connor had another hearing test (because he failed his last) and WE PASSED first time YAY!!!!
He also had a appoitment with his GI dr and he has sent us on to the surgeon ( we go there July 19) this is for the next surgery for Connor on his colon. I will update again after that appt to let you know when the surgery is planned for.
Caleb is just enjoying summer as a 6 year old boy and is ready for the beach. We are going as a family July 21-31. Caleb got a little upset the other day in Target when he saw all the school stuff appearing already. He said " mom why is all that kind of things out already?" I told him its not much longer school will be back in and his reply was" well I want you to know I am NOT happy about this"
I am just so happy and excited about our family beach trip and I will have pictures for sure.