Saturday, March 3, 2012

Caleb's field trip

Caleb's class got to go to the Womens Acc game on Thursday March 1st. Me and Barry were able to go as well. Caleb was so excited. The Tarheels played the Clemson Tigers. Tarheels won 90 to 51- Caleb was so happy. He had such a great time spending time with friends and watching basketball. Sports is one of Caleb's favorite things in the whole world. He took time to take a picture with his best friend Lemuel.

Cohen is 1 month old!!!!

Wow how time has flown by. On the 16th Cohen was 1 mon

th old. He is doing all the things that he should. We took him for his one month check up and he weighed 8 pounds!!! Yay!! He is a good eater. He is waking every 4 hours to eat. He is using a pacy. He is wearing newborn size clothes. He is just perfect in our eyes.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

HOME Again!!!!

Me and Cohen came home from the hospital on Wednesday and we were so glad to see the boys. It felt like we had been gone forever. Caleb and Connor looked like they had grown like crazy. It was like a hurricane had hit around our house. Laundry everywhere and just trying to get into a routine. Cohen had been sleeping a lot and not eating the best but we put it as being early baby he was just being slow about wanting to eat. We went Friday for a weight check at the dr and he had gained no weight, and was a bit jaundice. Dr O Kelly just told us to watch him closely. So through the night was same as before, but on Saturday morning Cohen had been almost 6 hours since eating and he just wasnt acting right very sluggish and felt kinda cool. We took him to the pediatrician office and they sent us to Moses Cone to have him admitted for test and bloodwork and urine sample...
This is hard to cope with as a mom with a new baby, two older kids and raging hormones.
So after about 6 hours in the ER they finally had us a room. They were going to monitor his eating and his temp. So it all began. It was a long couple of days. Somewhere in waking him every 2-3 hours to make him eat he finally caught on and he began to want to eat. He was perking up and actually very alert for him. The dr that came in that night said he looked better and maybe it was just it took him time to catch up and realize he wanted to eat. She said if he continued this well through the night then we could probably go home the next afternoon. So all went well through the night and he actually gained a half a ounce. They attending dr came in the next morning and it was about 12 people in the room going over what he had been through. The dr that was in charge came in and never touched Cohen even looked him over or anaything but told me well you will stay again tonight and may go home tomorrow....but he was doing better... this was what I said to him and he wouldnt hardly even hear what I had to say so making this long and not so pleasant part of the story short we were told we couldnt leave. I was very unhappy. So we did the dame thing that night as well. Fed him every 3 hours and they monitored him. The next morning he had gained a little more weight and they said we could go home. So we came back home on Monday.
Since Monday Cohen has done VERY well with eating and he had gained 2oz when we went for a weight check. I am hoping that we have all the bumps out of the road for now and we can enjoy being a family of 5!!! It has been a rough couple of weeks but we are on the up side now and hoping thing only get better for us.
I took Cohen on Wednesday to have some newborn pics taken. He did a awesome job and so did the photographer. I can not wait to see the pictures.
I love being a mommy it is the BEST job in the world. It gets hard but it is the most rewarding job ever.


On Sunday January 16 it was around 1:30am and I got out of bed because I couldnt sleep..a familiar story. But I hadn't felt well all day. I got up and sat in the recliner and dozed off and on. Then about 3:30 started to hurt a little bit and by 4:30 when I woke Barry up for work..I told him I had called my dr and they said for me to go to women's hospital to be checked. I called my dad to sit with the kids while they were sleeping. Me and Barry and my mom headed to Womens. We got there it was around 6am and the nurse checked me and I was not dialted. They told me I could walk for a hour until the dr came by to see if this was labor. Me and Barry walked what felt like 500 laps around the hospital, stopping with contractions. Then I had the nurse check me again and I was 1cm. The dr came by and said they would check again in 1 hour, to see if any progression to see if REAL labor. If so they would go ahead with my c section. So we decided not to walk this hour mainly because contractions were about a minute apart and they HURT. I was in tears with some of them. So nurse checked me and I was 3cm so it was REAL and things happened fast from there. They began prepping for c section. I was in the OR getting my spinal and then it was just a blur it happened so fast. Cohen Benjamin Steed was born on January 16, 2012 at 9:50 am and he was 5.12oz and he was 19 1/4 inches long. He was perfect.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Baby Shower!!!!

Saturday January 14 my mom and sister Beka gave me and Cohen a wonderful shower. We had lots of great goodies and food. They made over 100 cake pops and they were the BEST!!! I got lots of great gifts. We got clothes for him and diapers. We got a set of our bottles. We received enough gift cards to go and purchase our pack n play and all we have left is our high chair. It was a lot of fun seeing family I dont see often and also friends. Even some friends from the way back days of high school....That was a LONG time ago. One of the greatest gifts I got was my mom made Cohen his bedding for his room she is still working on the valance and crib skirt but she did a excellent job on his blanket. She even made him some burp rags and a tag blankie. I am such a lucky girl to have her as my mom. She is the best. I hope that I can be as great to and for my kids as she has been for us girls.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The countdown is on....... 3 weeks from today!!!!

Since last post, Barry has been out of work for a total of 2 and half weeks, trying to regain his strength. He actually went back to work today Jan 9. for the first day since Christmas Eve.
We are now down to three weeks from today we have a c section scheduled for Cohen to be born. I can not believe that its only 3 weeks now the last couple months have just flown by. But it has been crazy here that is probably why. We had a great friend named Josh that came and basically painted Cohen's room for us. He helped with ceiling fans and the whole deal so in just 4 days we went from having nothing ready to having everything in his room know this mommy is feeling much better about baby coming now. Still a few small things to do get some clothes ready and packing my hospital bag but for the big work on the room its done. I will be having my shower this weekend so we are looking forward to that.
Connor went back to Brenner's for his every 3 month kidney check up and things are same he is having some trouble with UTI and they did bloodwork today to check some more areas they are concerned about such as his growth.
Caleb is doing GREAT in school reading very well and loving playing with friends. His favorite thing right now when he is at home it to play Daddy's PS3. He is in love with a hockey game.