Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's been TOO long.....

Well it has been a while since I have updated. We went to the appt. at the surgeon's office for Connor and we got news we were totally not expecting. We have had MANY tests on Connor's colon. For those of you that don't know the background of him....WELL LONG story really short is He is VERy small for his age and hasnt gained much weight in over a year now. He has LOTS of trouble going to the bathroom(that is just a couple of the problems he has had ongoing for a year and a half) and he had a colonscopy done in May and it revealed that he has a very jumbled up and large and stretched colon. So one of the GI dr at Brenners told us that a Cecostomy is the best answer for Connor.....FINALLY we had a answer. A cesostomy is where in surgery they place a port in the cecum ( top of his intestine) to open to the outside in his stomach and then we do what is like a enema from that port everyday or every other by inserting a tube with liquid and it helps flush his bowels. A lot less torturous than a enema like we have to do now.
We were told by the surgeon that Connor had to try enemas at home first for a few months( eternity to a almost 3 yr old) and continue his meds like we have them and he needs to gain weight before surgery. NOT what we thought we were going to hear. And if he is constipate dhe doesnt eat and so how do you gain weight if he is not eating well.... so the questions we still face.
We have now been doing enemas on COnnor for about a month.... and we were told to start doing them every other day and we got nothing so now we are doing them EVERY day and he HATES it and so do we.
He cries and asks us not to do it and he just doesnt understand it all. So we have a call to the GI nurse saying they are working but ONLY if we do it every day and she is having the GI dr talk to the surgeon again to see if we can go ahead with the surgery.
Pray for all of us on this and pray the surgeon will be ready to help us this time.
As for Caleb since last blog he stsrted first grade and he LOVES it he likes his teacher a lot this year. Pray that his attitude stays this way. He is really enjoying his new friends at school. He also started back to play beaseball again and he is very good. First game last Saturday and my boy was the best one out there. He received the game ball after the game from his coach he was on cloud 9 and still is.
As for baby #3 we find out Friday September 16 if its a boy or girl. We are sooooo excited. Caleb says he KNOWS its a girl Connor is still saying NO we not have a baby .... I am the baby!!! Wow his worlde is really going to change.
We will be having dinner with all the family on Friday to have a cake to reveal on the indside if its a boy or girl so until Friday I will leave you hanging on to find out......