Saturday, March 3, 2012

Caleb's field trip

Caleb's class got to go to the Womens Acc game on Thursday March 1st. Me and Barry were able to go as well. Caleb was so excited. The Tarheels played the Clemson Tigers. Tarheels won 90 to 51- Caleb was so happy. He had such a great time spending time with friends and watching basketball. Sports is one of Caleb's favorite things in the whole world. He took time to take a picture with his best friend Lemuel.

Cohen is 1 month old!!!!

Wow how time has flown by. On the 16th Cohen was 1 mon

th old. He is doing all the things that he should. We took him for his one month check up and he weighed 8 pounds!!! Yay!! He is a good eater. He is waking every 4 hours to eat. He is using a pacy. He is wearing newborn size clothes. He is just perfect in our eyes.