Thursday, January 26, 2012

HOME Again!!!!

Me and Cohen came home from the hospital on Wednesday and we were so glad to see the boys. It felt like we had been gone forever. Caleb and Connor looked like they had grown like crazy. It was like a hurricane had hit around our house. Laundry everywhere and just trying to get into a routine. Cohen had been sleeping a lot and not eating the best but we put it as being early baby he was just being slow about wanting to eat. We went Friday for a weight check at the dr and he had gained no weight, and was a bit jaundice. Dr O Kelly just told us to watch him closely. So through the night was same as before, but on Saturday morning Cohen had been almost 6 hours since eating and he just wasnt acting right very sluggish and felt kinda cool. We took him to the pediatrician office and they sent us to Moses Cone to have him admitted for test and bloodwork and urine sample...
This is hard to cope with as a mom with a new baby, two older kids and raging hormones.
So after about 6 hours in the ER they finally had us a room. They were going to monitor his eating and his temp. So it all began. It was a long couple of days. Somewhere in waking him every 2-3 hours to make him eat he finally caught on and he began to want to eat. He was perking up and actually very alert for him. The dr that came in that night said he looked better and maybe it was just it took him time to catch up and realize he wanted to eat. She said if he continued this well through the night then we could probably go home the next afternoon. So all went well through the night and he actually gained a half a ounce. They attending dr came in the next morning and it was about 12 people in the room going over what he had been through. The dr that was in charge came in and never touched Cohen even looked him over or anaything but told me well you will stay again tonight and may go home tomorrow....but he was doing better... this was what I said to him and he wouldnt hardly even hear what I had to say so making this long and not so pleasant part of the story short we were told we couldnt leave. I was very unhappy. So we did the dame thing that night as well. Fed him every 3 hours and they monitored him. The next morning he had gained a little more weight and they said we could go home. So we came back home on Monday.
Since Monday Cohen has done VERY well with eating and he had gained 2oz when we went for a weight check. I am hoping that we have all the bumps out of the road for now and we can enjoy being a family of 5!!! It has been a rough couple of weeks but we are on the up side now and hoping thing only get better for us.
I took Cohen on Wednesday to have some newborn pics taken. He did a awesome job and so did the photographer. I can not wait to see the pictures.
I love being a mommy it is the BEST job in the world. It gets hard but it is the most rewarding job ever.

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